Wind Ensemble
Westwood’s Wind Ensemble is a high level ensemble comprised of advanced musicians. Wind Ensemble participants are required to audition for AMEA Regional and All-State ensembles. The Wind Ensemble also performs in ABODA Area and State Festivals while receiving solid ratings from judges across Arizona.
This ensemble requires an audition. Typically, students will have been enrolled in Westwood band classes for at least one year before becoming a member of Wind Ensemble.
Warrior Marching Band
The Westwood Warrior Marching Band is a large ensemble that performs at Westwood football games, pep assemblies, and is the one of the largest sources of spirit on campus. They also march in local parades such as the MLK day parade and the Veterans Day Parade. The Warrior Marching Band also competes in marching band competitions all over the state performing in both the ABODA and AZMBA circuits. In 2019, the Westwood Warrior Marching Band were the state champions in Division IV in the ABODA circuit.
If you’re interested in joining the Westwood Warrior Marching Band please fill out the google form below.
In order to join the Westwood Warrior Marching Band you must attend our summer Band Camp and Yearly Fee.
Symphonic Band
The Symphonic Band is an intermediate ensemble with students who have a solid musical foundation and play medium grade pieces at a high level. This ensemble performs four concerts a year and will sometimes travel with Wind Ensemble to ABODA Area and State festivals. Musicians in this ensemble continue to grow their musical and technical abilities while beginning to understand deeper meaning and nuances in a piece of music.
This ensemble is great for students who are ready to take the next step on their musical journeys. This ensemble does not require an audition to be a member however, incoming freshman are able to audition to be in Symphonic Band.
Concert Band
Concert Band is an entry level ensemble great for all beginning and growing students. Concert Band is the ensemble that all freshman start in unless they audition to a higher level ensemble. Although an entry level ensemble, students are constantly growing and improving their musical and technical abilities.
There is no audition required to join this ensemble, and it is the ensemble all new or incoming freshman will be enrolled in, unless auditioned out by the Director.